What if hardly anybody reads this blog? If a tree falls in a forest and nobody is around to hear it…If I started any project thinking, “What if no one sees this? What will be the point?” I’d stay in bed, for like a year. On a larger scale, if we all thought this way, grass roots organizations would shutter, plays would cease rehearsing, and starting out directors would hang themselves in the editing bay; in short, inspiration would curl up and die...awesome.
Don’t ya think blogs are a tad narcissistic? The title “My Principality” suggests a little more than a tad of narcissism. This is my universe. Hello. But I don’t pretend to think I know the coolest or the best. I’m not an arbiter of taste. And only Ira Glass knows everything. I just get super excited about things around me and I like to share.
So what is the Big Idea? The Concept? I don’t understand.
[Life is] a constellation of vivid moments, like the stars in the universe, ephemera, and eternal, and not some reductionist little narrative... Charles Mee In Los Angeles, everything seems to be distilled down to a reductionist little narrative. In screenwriting, the inciting incident happens on page ten, act two starts on page twenty-two, and the whole shebang should be wrapped up by page one hundred and ten. In screen acting, an actress’ voice, mannerisms, and inner thoughts should fit the archetype her outer appearance suggests, again her reductionist little narrative. [In case you were wondering, I'm: If Reese Witherspoon and Sarah Paulson had a love child raised by Courtney Thorne-Smith]. Maybe it's Hollywood's fault that we feel like life should also be paint by numbers formulaic. I should get married by x year, make babies by x+3 years, etc. Thank goodness, life doesn’t follow a streamlined trajectory or it'd be boring as hell. Instead, if we give ourselves permission, we can sprint and then wander, get lost, and then decide on a different path, get hit by a bus, and then take a scooter. This blog is a collage of stories, objects, and images I am drawn to. The concept is: there is no concept, critic.
Aren’t you nervous about strangers reading?
It does feel a little like leaving a journal at a bus stop. But until I stop feeling naked, I’ll keep reminding myself of this quote by Anne Lammot: I decided that the most subversive, revolutionary thing I could do was to show up for my life and not be ashamed.
Cheers to the subversive and revolutionary!
Queen Bee