
CAFE BUZZ: Union Jack Pizzaz

Why should the expats in Paris have all the fun? I stumbled upon Larchmont Larder the other day. It's as cute as a button, a button quail that is.  I'm especially excited about their catered Humpday Dinner Menu. Our next dinner party will have to be scheduled on a Wednesday. As we all know, I suck in the kitchen, but I'm pretty good at presentation.

[credit: picture Estate Braissai-RMN]
CAFE READ: Walks in Hemingway's Paris: A Guide to Paris for the Literary Traveler, by Noel R. Fitch.  I was lucky enough to take an "Expatriate Writers" course from Professor Fitch at the American University in Paris. Wandering the haunts she lists in this book was the best time of my life. Four Stars.